Korean Cinnamon Ginger Punch (sujeonggwa)



1. 5-6 (3 oz) cinnamon sticks2. 3 oz ginger, thinly sliced3. 3 liter water, divided4. 1-2 cups muscovado sugar5. pine nuts as a garnish, optional6. dried persimmon, optional


1. In one pot, combine cinnamon sticks and 1.5 liter water. In another pot, combine ginger with the rest of 1.5 liter water. Cover the both pot with lids and simmer for 30 minutes.2. Strain the tea from the both pots into a fine cloth to catch impurities and to combine.3. Add the sugar and stir with a wooden spoon until all the sugar dissolves. Adjust the amount of sugar for your preference. Chill and serve cold with sprinkle of pine nuts and dried persimmon.Notes1. 1) You can freeze the punch for 2-3 hours if you like to serve icy cold. The thin icy chunks will appear on the drink. Break the ice with a folk.2. 2) Traditionally a piece of dried persimmon is also served with this punch. Make sure you soak the persimmon in the punch for 1 hour to loosen its dried texture, and serve in a shallow bowl rather than cup.

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